What is Ayurveda

The Sanskrit word Ayurveda means ‘the knowledge of long life’. Simply but comprehensively, the words describe one of the most complex medical teachings, the healing science of Ayurveda, developed in India.

In contrast to conventional medicine, Ayurveda does not claim to be exclusive and is less focussed on symptom-related individual therapies and more on a lifestyle that prevents diseases from developing in the first place.

Ayurveda perceives body, mind and soul as a symbiotic unit and integrates all areas that affect our physical and mental balance. For example:

  • Nutrition
  • Lifestyle
  • Calmness and meditation
  • Yoga and breathing exercises
  • Daily routine
  • Medicinal herbs and Ayurvedic medicine and
  • Cleansing and rejuvenating measures

According to the ancient Indian understanding, Ayurveda is the art of organising our lives in harmony with the laws of nature. This part of Ayurvedic teaching has also found its way into the Western understanding of health. Just as nature comprises the elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether (space), humans are also made up of these elements. In each case, two of them combine to form a bioenergy, a DOSHA.

Earth and water form the bioenergy and the inertia principle KAPHA. Earth and water are responsible for the structure and stability of our body. Water and fire unite in PITTA, the metabolic principle. PITTA regulates all biochemical changes, such as digestion or body temperature. In a figurative sense, PITTA is also responsible for coping with emotional influences and impressions. Air and ether form the bioenergy VATA, the principle of movement. VATA controls all mental and physiological activities in the body, above all our breathing and our neurological functions.

Every person has all DOSHAS, although one or two of them usually dominate. This means that each person has an individual combination of physical, mental and emotional characteristics that make up their constitution. Maintaining our personal constitution and a good ‘digestive fire’ are decisive for health or illness.

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