What is VedaPulse?
It is a real pleasure to be able to offer you this special device here in my practice.
On what principles is the work of the complex based?
VedaPulse® has combined the achievements of modern science and the knowledge of traditional medicine and is a tool for analysing the functional state and making personalised recommendations for rehabilitation. The device is based on the method of heart rate variability analysis recommended by the European Cardiological Society and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology.
More than 5000 specialists in Ayurveda, TCM and naturopathy from 50 countries around the world use “VedaPulse” in their practices every day.
VedaPulse ® is an expert system that helps Ayurveda specialists to objectively analyse the balance of the doshas (VATA, PITTA, KAPHA) and subdoshas, Agni Dhatu, the Pancha Mahabhuta balance, the functional state of the organ and systems and to make expert recommendations on individual nutrition, herbal medicine, aromatherapy and lifestyle, taking into account the individual typology.
In oriental countries such as India, Tibet and China, the secrets of pulse diagnostics have been carefully preserved. The initiates have handed down the secret knowledge from generation to generation in the closest circle. VedaPulse makes the art of pulse diagnosis accessible to a wide circle of experts.
How does it work?
- The electrical and mechanical processes taking place in the heart model the external characteristics of a pulse wave.
- VedaPulse uses mathematical methods to analyse the language of the heart rhythm.
- This enables us to assess the functions of individual organs and systems, as well as the general condition of the patient.