
the ayurvedic powder massage

Udvartana, also known as a metabolic massage, is an energising Ayurvedic massage. Its distinctive features arise from the use of special oils and powders, with barley or chickpea powder playing the main role. The ingredients are tailored to the patient’s condition.

There are three different types of Udvartana, depending on the chosen degree of intensity:

  • Treatment with dry powder is the most intense Udvartana therapy.
  • Treatment with a mixture of powder, oil and water is a milder form and the gentlest variant
  • Powder on oiled skin is the most relaxing way to apply Udvartana.

The respective substances are spread over the entire body with controlled stroking movements. Udvartana makes use of the fact that the patient is overcome by a feeling of warmth, which stimulates the skin and internal bodily functions. Pores are opened and cleansed, so the body can perfectly absorb the active ingredients of the healing substances.

The Udvartana method promotes blood circulation, helps to get the lymph flow moving again and thus has a detoxifying and revitalising effect. Therefore, Udvartana is a perfect treatment for counteracting excess weight, getting rid of orange peel skin, freeing waste products or using it as a gentle peeling. This massage loosens old skin flakes, leaving the skin feeling wonderfully soft and smooth and stimulating the flow of energy.

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