Mukabhyanga – face-shoulder-neck

Shiro- and Mukabhyanga, the combined Ayurvedic head and face massage

Touching the face and head has a very calming and relaxing effect. This effect is particularly beneficial for people who mainly solve their everyday problems “with their head”. It is often said that something is written on our face. Many people are tormented by headaches and tension in the scalp. A head and face massage is a soothing form of massage that relieves tension on the scalp.

Very gentle touches relieve tension from the head right down to the neck. This causes a deep relaxation of the different skin and muscle layers. The head massage strengthens your ability to focus and has a very pleasant effect on your mental balance.

A quote from the Ayurvedic textbook Charak Samhita: “If a regular oil massage is performed in the head area, this strengthens the hair and hair roots; the natural hair colour is preserved and the facial skin thanks it with radiant beauty; all sensory organs are sharpened; a restful sleep and emotional balance are promoted, headaches disappear.”

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