Marma Chikitsa
the ayurvedic vital point massage
Marmas are special vital points of the body and represent interfaces or connection points between the physical and energetic body. Marmas are connected to chakras (subtle energy centres) and nadis (energy pathways), but also influence specific anatomical structures and physiological processes. Doshas (bioenergies), srotas (body channels), dhatus (body tissue) and agnis (digestive fire or tissue metabolism) can be influenced via marmas.
There are 108 marma points in total; 25 on the head above the neck, 45 from the neck to the navel, 9 from the navel to the anus, 14 on the arms and 15 on the legs.
According to the author Vagbhata, a person who wants to maintain and promote their positive health and at the same time prevent and cure diseases should practise Marma massage regularly. Marma massage has the following properties:
- it prevents the ageing process and takes corrective action
- it helps to overcome the fatigue and exhaustion stemming from regular hard work
- it helps and intervenes to correct disorders caused by over-stimulation of the nervous system
- it promotes visual acuity
- it supports the supply of nutrients to the body
- it increases vitality
- it promotes sleep and physical strength
- it softens the muscles
Marma massage has a rejuvenating effect, improves the activity of digestive enzymes, food absorption and metabolism. It supports the elimination of faeces and urine, promotes blood formation and sexual power, helps with menstrual problems, supports mental function, the perception of taste and strengthens the senses, it promotes the mobility of the joints and strengthens the bones. The therapist uses her hands and her perception and empathy to feel, open and harmonise the marmas, thereby releasing blockages on various levels. This is not a manipulation, but a stimulation of the Marmas through the process of feeling the movements, which find their way by letting go. Therapist and patient meet at the level of feeling, the most subtle form of perception.