Detox in Ayurveda
Ayurveda also takes a holistic approach to this topic. Depending on your state of health and constitution, I will create a personalised treatment plan for you. I will not only take a close look at your digestive fire and your constitution, but also take the seasons and the phases of the moon into consideration. The change from one season to another and the waning moon are particularly suitable for cleansing the body and mind. But you will benefit from any detox program, even if it doesn’t take place at the ‘perfect’ time.
When should we think about a detox program?
A detox program is always a good idea if you want to strengthen your body and mind and find back to your balance. Especially if you feel tired, sluggish and lacking in energy, suffer from digestive problems or if your immune system is weakened.
Nutrition during a detox program
One of the most frequently asked questions: What can and can’t you eat during a detox program? In general, the focus during a detox program should be on light and easily digestible foods and dishes. Ayurveda is not a fan of strict fasting, as this form of fasting would tend to weaken our digestive fire. Therefore, you still eat 2-3 meals during an Ayurvedic detox program, but special dishes and spices are used to support your digestive fire.
Detox program
An Ayurvedic detox program lasts between 7 and 21 days. It always consists of three phases, the length of which I adapt to your individual needs.
During the introductory phase, your body slowly gets used to the change in diet and you let go of your less healthy habits.
The second phase is the detoxification phase. In this phase, the focus is on cleansing the body and mind.
You use the third phase to build up again and gradually return to your ‘new’ everyday life.
Throughout the treatment you take Triphala capsules in the evening to support the intestines and detoxification. During the main cure, you will be given Ayurvedic herbs 3 times a day before meals to support the release of waste products in various organ systems. These will be individually dosed for you and you will receive them from me with a precise intake overview.
The programme is well suited to everyday life. Whether you should do it alongside your job depends on your work. It is recommended to take a break from work at least during the days of the main cure.
At the end of the second phase is the detox day, the centrepiece of the cure. You should definitely plan ahead, so that this day and the next one are at your free disposal. I will be happy to discuss everything else with you personally. Of course, you can effectively support your cure with Ayurvedic massages, alkaline foot baths and other things.
What to expect during the detox week
- Warm and cooked meals, fresh and cooked vegetables, fruit (steamed), cooked cereals and mung dal
- Warm and detoxifying drinks
- Stimulating and warming spices and fresh herbs
- plenty of relaxation and light exercise in the fresh air
- regular meals
- sufficient sleep
- Meditation, yoga and breathing exercises
- Self-massage with mature sesame oil
What are you saying goodbye to during the detox week(s) – or for longer?
- Cold and reheated food
- Raw food and foods that are difficult to digest
- Cold, fizzy and stimulating drinks
- Stress
- Irregular meal times
- Little sleep
- Eating too late
What is the focus? Detox or losing weight
In Ayurveda, the focus is not on weight loss. However, this is often a welcome side effect, as only foods and dishes that strengthen the digestive fire and that our metabolism can digest well are consumed during the detox week. At the same time, we maintain regular meal times so that the digestive system has sufficient time to recover and cleanse itself. All these small changes activate our metabolism and often lead to weight loss. The great thing is that the program is also particularly suitable for people who don’t want to lose weight at all. I ckeck in advance how the quantities of food and/or the intake of oils can be increased individually so you can detox effectively without losing weight.
A little tip for you if you don’t have the opportunity for an outpatient program:
Don’t underestimate the effect of detox days. The secret lies in regularity. Even my Ayurvedic doctors in training always told us: a steady drip wears away the stone.
There are wonderful opportunities to enjoy individual detox days on a weekly or fortnightly basis, depending on your constitution. Imagine that you do a gentle detox day once a week. A small reset every week and up to 52 detox days per year. Or a weekend a month….. there are so many possibilities…the important thing is that you do it.
The cost of your treatment will of course depend on the length of the treatment. An average orientative value is approx. 130€ for individual counseling and scripts plus 60 – 70€ for herbs and castor oil.
Who believes that health is expensive, should try illness.
© Thomas Schlenstedt (*1967), medical product consultant
You Tube Kitchari short and long
Kitchari – detox a la Ayurveda I Parami (
Kitchari – detox a la Ayurveda I Parami (short) (