Agni – the fire of life

Ginger (Zingiber officinalis):

We use the fresh or dried rhizome. A thin slice of fresh ginger with a little salt and lemon juice 15 minutes before eating stimulates Agni. Ginger as tea: simmer half a teaspoon of fresh or dried ginger with half a litre of water for five minutes and leave to infuse for another five minutes. Strain and drink in small sips.
Ginger is helpful for

  • Nausea, vomiting, travel sickness, diarrhoea
  • Cold, flu
  • rheumatic complaints (also externally as massage oil or compresses)
  • Menstrual cramps

Black pepper (Piper nigrum)

We use the fruits of a climbing. White, green and black pepper all come from the same plant. For green pepper, the unripe fruits are pickled in vinegar or brine. For white pepper, the ripe pulp is removed from the berries and the white stone seeds are dried. Black pepper is unripe, fermented berries dried with the skin on. Red pepper comes from the “Brazilian pepper tree” (Schinus terebinthifolius), which is not related to the pepper plant. It should only be used in small quantities as it is poisonous in large quantities. Pepper

Long pepper (Piper Longum):

It is milder than black pepper.

Use as a spice: Grind fresh, adds flavour to almost everything. Best added after cooking.

Source: Birgit Heyn (Die Zeit – Volume 2001)

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